Science-Backed Black Rhino Management


Black Rhino Conservation Management Through Science-based Support Photo Credit: Martin Harvey Background The WWF Black Rhino Range Expansion Project (BRREP) is one of WWF's most successful species conservation projects ever. BRREP was established in 2003. Over the past 16 years it has established

Science-Backed Black Rhino Management2024-10-13T19:01:12+00:00

Dogs for Rhinos


Dogs for Rhinos Photo Credit: South African Wildlife College In a world where rhinos are under increased threat, WWF South Africa understands that no single solution will disrupt illegal horn trade or secure their future. Background Based on the successes experienced in

Dogs for Rhinos2022-09-15T10:40:59+00:00

Catalysing CBNRM For Wildlife & People


Learning by Doing: Catalysing CBNRM for the benefit of wildlife and people Photo Credit: Sue Ras Background Working with those who live close to rhinos has been identified as an essential, yet often underestimated, component of rhino conservation. Community Based Natural Resource Management

Catalysing CBNRM For Wildlife & People2024-10-13T19:24:37+00:00
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