Expanding SA’S Protected Areas Needs Skills


Expansion of SA’s protected areas requires management skills © South Africa has to practically and affordably expand its natural environment protection areas to conserve its critical biodiversity and ecosystem services. These include carbon sequestration, clean air, healthy soils, fresh water, healthy insect populations for pollination, and

Expanding SA’S Protected Areas Needs Skills2024-10-13T19:15:12+00:00

Building Sustainable Livelihoods In Namaqua


Building community capacity and sustainable livelihoods in the Namaqua National Park and the Knersvlakte Nature Reserve regions of the Northern Cape Photo Credit: Katherine Forsythe The succulents in the remote communities on the edge of the Namaqua National Park and the Knersvlakte Nature Reserve in the

Building Sustainable Livelihoods In Namaqua2024-10-13T19:13:47+00:00

Post-Declaration Protected Area Management


Protected Area Post-Declaration Management Support Solution Photo Credit: Conservation Outcomes Significant resources are required to conserve South Africa’s landscapes and their associated biodiversity and ecosystem services. These include freshwater, fresh air, carbon sequestration, healthy soil, healthy insect populations for pollination, and healthy grasslands for freshwater conservation

Post-Declaration Protected Area Management2024-10-13T19:12:11+00:00

Honeybees Are Vital For Food & Jobs


HONEYBEES ARE ESSENTIAL FOR FOOD AND JOB SECURITY Photo Credit: WWF Any decline in our honeybee populations is a direct threat to food and job security in South Africa’s extensive agricultural crop industry. ‘Over 50 agricultural crops, worth over R10,3 billion per annum to the South

Honeybees Are Vital For Food & Jobs2024-11-19T04:45:33+00:00

Farming With Biodiversity For Solutions


FARMING WITH BIODIVERSITY Photo Credit:WWF Globally and locally, the threats facing bee populations are increasing as they are largely due to humanity’s impact on the environment.  These are namely: habitat loss, climate change and pesticide use. The threat to honeybees means a threat to our agricultural

Farming With Biodiversity For Solutions2024-10-13T19:22:46+00:00

Sustainable Landscape Finance Coalition


THE SUSTAINABLE LANDSCAPE FINANCE COALITION Credit Greg Martindalea Healthy, functioning natural environments are the critical foundations for water and food security, human health and economic resilience and biodiversity conservation. They also contribute significantly to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including increasing employment, safeguarding clean water access,

Sustainable Landscape Finance Coalition2024-10-13T19:07:33+00:00

Expanding Protected Areas In Eastern Cape


CAPACITATING THE PROTECTED AREAS EXPANSION IN THE NORTH EASTERN GRASSLANDS IN THE EASTERN CAPE NE Cape grasslands Credit Greg Martindale Work is underway by SANParks and WWF to establish a high-altitude national park in the mountains of the Eastern Cape close to the Lesotho border and

Expanding Protected Areas In Eastern Cape2024-10-13T19:35:51+00:00

Water, Cattle, Income & Conservation In Matatiele


WATER, CATTLE, INCOME AND CONSERVATION IN MATATIELE Communal livestock grazing today is highly complex from both a people and landscape perspective, and without sound governance in place generally leads to serious overgrazing, erosion and water shortages, as can be seen in some areas of the Transkei. Turning

Water, Cattle, Income & Conservation In Matatiele2024-10-13T19:29:21+00:00

Nature’s Recovery Post-Pandemic


NATURE HASN’T BOUNCED BACK DURING THE PANDEMIC. BUT IT STILL CAN. Aerial view of deforestation of the Amazon rainforest, in Maués. © Andre Dib / WWF-Brazil By Mariana Ferreira Head of Science, WWF-Brazil Co-Chair, IUCN WCPA COVID-19 Protected Areas Task Force This week a year ago,

Nature’s Recovery Post-Pandemic2024-10-13T19:31:07+00:00
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