Addressing Food Insecurity With Foodforward SA
The WWF Nedbank Green Trust has partnered with FoodForward SA to address food insecurity while building a long-term approach to reducing food waste on farms. The partnership, which provides for a total grant of R4,7 million to FoodForward SA over three years, will result in reducing immediate food insecurity, while simultaneously, with the support of WWF, build a long-term approach to reducing food waste on farms.
The relationship with WWF dates back to 2017 when they conducted research on FoodForward SA’s foodbanking model. That study reported that the global carbon footprint from food waste is a massive 3.6 gigatonnes (Gt) of CO2 per year. Around 90% of overall waste is disposed of to landfill, leading to the production of harmful greenhouse gases (GHG) methane and CO2. The recovery and distribution of surplus food reduces the GHG associated with the food supply chain. The study found that FoodForward SA’s foodbanking model has a tremendous climate change benefit and that for every ton of food recovered, 4 tons of harmful greenhouse gas emissions are saved (WWF, 2018).
The project, which will also employ FoodForward SA’s FoodShare digital platform to include farmers, will address Sustainable Development Goals 2: Zero Hunger; 12: Responsible consumption and production; and 13: Climate action; in a scalable and innovative manner.
Says Augustine Morkel, Manager of the WWF Nedbank Green Trust, ‘We have always worked with partners and communities who champion the custodianship of our natural resources and direct their energy and efforts to key levers of change for South Africa’s future. Our prosperity depends on this consistent creation of connections and relationships. We are very excited about this new project with FoodForward SA and look forward to making even greater and better changes to the lives of South Africans.”